Heather Armstrong at Dooce, she says some pretty funny shit. I feel kinda crummy tonight. No reason. I just do that now and then to bother my family. They find it really makes their night to find me depressed and not in the dinner cookin mood. Hey, I was gonna. For real. I even said so last night. You remember, huh? St Paddy's Day and all. Well, I didn't do a thing. Heather needed me to run to town. She had one hr till she was supposed to be at a wedding. (I know, on a Monday?) The top she just paid alot for had a mark on it. Right on front. If I ran fast enough she could just make it in time to return the top and replace it. I ran and she did too. Oh, I had to run to babysit sleeping Natalie. Waking her was not an option. Who in their right mind wakes a sleeping toddler before the nap is over? Not me. Grump city folks. All went fine and Heather and Jimmy and Natalie left and I stayed with the boys. Cady got off work and came too. It was fun. I love to hang out with the grandkids. But now that I am home I am tired and sleepy and Joe thought dinner was coming. I might have even though I felt crumby. Then he made a mistake. He told me the look I just had on my face when talking about how much I didn't want to cook reminded him of this guy. Gee, right off I didn't like it. He couldn't remember who it was. I told him maybe he should drop it as I was feeling less like cooking now than before. He didn't. He remembered. I reminded him of Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite. He just brought me in a plate of food cooked by him. Thats what he gets. So, about Heather Armstrong. On her post tonight, the last part of the last sentence said this: "I don't know what's going on, but maybe this is what happens right before bacon falls out of the sky". Maybe it's just me( NOpe, she's very popular) but that made me laugh until I choked and tears rolled down my Pedro like face.