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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Make It Stop!

After going one month off my hormone pills I am THRILLED to say that I am back on them as of 4PM today. Just to help it along I just took 1 more. I feel like I am GOING OUT OF MY FREAKIN MIND!!!!! How can other women do it? Do what? Hmm, go without sleeping more than 15 minutes at a time , having hotflashes. Oh I don't mean your momas hotflashes. I mean hotflashes from Satan himself. I find myself jumping out of the bed all night long and being glad for a few minutes that our house is somewhere aound 38-50 degrees depending. But then the hotflash goes away and there I am all sweaty and frozen. Joe loves it too. Because I get no real sleep at night I am like a zombie all day. I catch myself nodding out with Gage here. I make sure I am totally uncomfortable so I never go into a deep sleep. But it's not like I can stay awake all day. Thank goodness he's 3 and he stays right there with me. Plus, it's too cold to venture out of the living room. Today I told him a story while I sorta dozed. I am getting good at talking to him and still resting.Usually he takes a nap but not today. Here comes another one. Truly, I would rather give birth than have hotflashes. In a few days there should be enough hormones in me to let me sleep all night except when I get up to pee cuz I also have high blood pressure and the meds make a person run to the potty ever hr but that aint nothin. My sweet Moma died when she was 1 year younger than I am now and she never got to warn me about this. NObody told me how awful it would be. Okay, compared to lots of things I guess it's not that bad. At least I am for the most part healthy. In fact now that I think of it I am very blessed, and in the words of I think it was Roseanne Roseanna Danna "Never Mind". And by the way. My Moms birthday was Sunday. I'll never stop missing her. Never. PS, added a family pic from when I was a little girl. Thats my Mom in the middle.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm Back- Happy Birthday Sara and Madison

Sorry, I just have been so tired. I have fallen so far behind I fear I will never catch up. I missed Madisons birthday and now it is Saras birthday. Since they are mother and daughter I am gonna do em together. Sara was the baby that caused our hopsital to change its policy. I had 12-16 people in the room with me. I think everyone should be together at times like these.I don't like anyone around me for labor but once I am ready to push come on in. They tried to make everyone entering the room to sigh a waver. They finally gave up and just let us go. I didn't get very big with Sara so I was hoping for a 7 lb baby instead of 9 like Joey was. Sara was 8lbs 14 oz. At that time the hospital here was dueling with a new thing. Home Birth. My baby before Sara and the one before that were both home births and it was wonderful. Due to all the nurses in my family freaking out and telling horror stories I agreed to give birth at the hospital if my Dr would give in to a few of my demands.Anyhow I am off track here. In order to attract more moms to the hospt, they began a short lived pkg deal. Birth in a nice birthing room instead of operating room, no shaving or enemas and the best part was a candle light dinner for mom and dad in your room. Steak or lobster for 2. Including a bottle of wine. Like I said, this didn't last long but it was so nice. They wheeled in a little round table and my ex sat in a chair and I in the bed. My Mom died in 1982 when I was 6 months along with Joey. Her birthday was January 13th. I tried so hard to hold out till after midnight, well you know how that turned out. I came real close though. I love that I have been present for all but 1 of my grandchildren at their births. In fact even though my son Billy was dead set against anyone being there for the birth of Jayon almost 7 yrs ago, in the end everyone was there. Robins brother even got it all on tape. He did a good job and not once do we see any "parts". Billy is now so happy to have that. We have had good experiences mostly due to the fact that the Drs here work with nurse miswives and unless you have a problem the Dr never has to be there. I am not a fan of Drs delivering, even though I have had some good ones. I prefer women for one thing. We have the same parts duh and understand the need for some of us to take our own path and include family and friends in this amazing event. The entire family does not have to be standing between your legs and can still be present without making mom feel exposed. Not too exposed. Heather was there when Joey and Billy were born. She was the first one to bathe and diaper Joey. He has always been her baby. He is 25 now. His will be our next baby born. Due April 16th I think. Gage will be there too to see his brother come into the world. This post has gone on way long. Sorry I am tripping down memory lane and took you along. Happy Birthday Sara Jean the Monkey Bean. okay, after reading over this I can see I have to give Maddie her own birthday post. plus I have to find some baby pics of Sara. For now this will have to do because I will never get it done if I wait. see how I am? OKAY, I found 1 small picture of Cady and Sara. Where do the years go? I sure miss those little girls.