About Me
- Name: debi
- Location: United States
I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Once upon a time 26 yrs ago ,there was a little girl named Heather. For Christmas that year she got a little doll named Love N Touch. While playing outside she lost the doll. No matter how long her family searched they never found that doll. Many years later her mom found another Love N Touch on Ebay. The price of the doll had now gone up to around 100.00. The mom tried many times to win the doll but was always outbid at the last second. This year the mom and Heathers husband joined forces, he with more cash and she with Ebays "buy it now". They spent alot of money paying for express mail to get the payment there in time. 4 hrs before the Post Office closed on Christmas eve the little doll made her way to Heathers moms house. Even though she was new old stock she was dirty having spent nearly 26 years waiting in her box for a girl to love her. The mom lovingly washed Love N Touch and her clothes and repaired her box. She looked new again. When Heather saw her mom waiting with her camera as she unwrapped the present she had a feeling something was up. She didn't know what but something. Now the girl and the doll are together and everyone lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Nick Names or My Family Is Weird
I was reading what Lost A Sock said about names not sticking and this came to mind. All the kids in our family ended up with nick names. A couple are cute but most are just plain weird. I shall just go right down the list acccording to age.
Heather-Heffy,Heather Louise
Billy-Bilbo Baggins, Bilbo
Joey-Joser, Coco Rusty
Sara-Sara Jean the Monkey Bean(prettiest girl i've ever seen) or just Bean
Cady-Cader Tater,Tater,Cadro
Jaylon-J.J. Bean
Natalie and Madison-Natason and Madilie
I cannot believe I just shared those with you. Does anyone else have nicknames for their kids? Please don't let me be the only one.
Heather-Heffy,Heather Louise
Billy-Bilbo Baggins, Bilbo
Joey-Joser, Coco Rusty
Sara-Sara Jean the Monkey Bean(prettiest girl i've ever seen) or just Bean
Cady-Cader Tater,Tater,Cadro
Jaylon-J.J. Bean
Natalie and Madison-Natason and Madilie
I cannot believe I just shared those with you. Does anyone else have nicknames for their kids? Please don't let me be the only one.
Friday, December 14, 2007
I have a million things to do today. My one day without little ones. Shopping and shopping to do. After a few years of not having any big panic attacks of not being able to leave La Luz, of not making my husband drive me everyplace cuz for some insane reason I found I could not do it by myself, it's back. FUCKIN A.
it figures
it figures
How Many Days Till Christmas? Happy Birthday Natalie
I just can't catch a break this year. I have no time to even be here but I need to. Yesterday my granddaughter Natalie turned 2 yrs old. Happy Birthday Natalie.
Today is my daughter-in-law Jessicas birthday. It was also the day they found out the sex of the baby. She is 23 wks along. The baby that Gage has been calling Honey and Joey named Lilly, has turned out to be a boy. That's 6 grandsons. That's alot of boy power.
Finally got a tree last night. We have never waited so late to get a tree. There's been no time and money is a problem this year. But it is all working out. I have so much left to do that I just don't feel all that in the mood this year. Hope I get in the mood and fast. Gage and I have been making decorations and reading Christmas stories together and he loves it. Cady wants Guitar Hero 3 this year and my job is to get out there and find it. None left at Walmart. I hate Walmart. Don't we all? Cady never asks for much and so I really want her to have this game. Joe and Cady are going some time this week-end to Plainview Texas to visit his mom. She is going to a nursing home on Tuesday and this is the last time to go home for Joe. He grew up in that old house. I cannot go because we have too many animals to care for. I will be happy to be alone for one night. Thats about all I will get. Seems like I was born to babysit. Ahh well, what can I do, I'm a grandma. Saturday night I will have 3 kids here. Madison and Seth and Christian will be here and we will bake and have fun. Maybe I will get my camera working and take a few pictures. For now, I'm off to find a game!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Gene!
Hoping your day was filled with all the joy and happiness you so rightly deserve. Didn't Molly just have one also? You ladies have made my life richer and made me laugh on so many occasions. I hope I pass some of that back to you. All this time I thought that picture was of your daughter and her own baby girl. It's you isn't it? Hey, nothing gets past me. It only took me a whole year to figure that out. Sharp as a tack I tell you. All the best to you. love, deb
Friday, December 07, 2007
Day Of Infamy
When I was a little girl all the children knew the meaning of Dec 7th. I don't think they study it much in school anymore. Until the film with Ben Affleck most kids knew little or nothing about Pearl Harbor Day. I think the most you can hope for in the way of remembrance these days is to be made into a 3 day week-end. How sad.
Hey, I'm Trying
To what, you say? Mostly to put commas in the right places. But no, I am trying to post more often. I want to post a great post. My brain is like clogged and I just think about it but do nada. I shall tell you about my day. Hold on cuz I lead one exciting life. Yesiree. No babysitting Gage today so slept that extra 25 minutes before getting dressed and driving Cady into town to school. Yes, we have bus service. The damn thing comes at 6:45. Shes alone out there at sunrise on a country road. Shes a tall blonde with green eyes and hell no she isn't going to be out there alone. School starts at 8:25. Seems we don't have enough buses and this is the way it is. So I drive to town everyday. It's only a 15 minute ride but it means getting up and dressing and all that crap. I prefer not to even see other humans and never like speaking until at least 9Am. Gage has special songs that he must hear and when he has a favorite it plays non stop. 3 weeks ago the tune of the week was "You're Gonna Miss Me" by The 13th Floor Elevators. 2 weeks ago it was "It's Tricky". I don't know who sings it but it's in White Chicks. He insists they are singing "It's Turkey." This weeks song was "Sara" by Jefferson Starship. We all like this song but it makes us all cry. When my Sara was 12 she moved in with her dad and we didn't see her much for a couple years. (she was going thru her spoiled princess phase) Thank God by Monday I can start on a new song. So I came home from dropping her off and picking up meds and going to the bank and did some laundry. Are you feeling the excitement yet? Joe came home for lunch and to feed his giant herd of smelly ducks. Joey called and needed me to watch Gage and so he and I played with the coloring book that Biddie sent him. I didn't notice that he colored his feet top and bottom with color. Not crayons but magic markers. He also colored his tummy, mouth inside and out his arms many toys and my coffee table. It washes off so no biggie. Gage is in love with Biddie. She sends him goodies from Canada. Thank you Biddie. He loves the books. Hang on, my day is not done yet. Gage leaves, I begin to pick up toys and do more laundry but decide instead to blog. Joe is working late. Cady is spending the night with friends. Tomorrow night is the Christmas parade. It is also Joes employee Christmas party. It is the one night a year that I can get dressed up and eat a dinner I didn't have to cook and I don't even have to wash the dishes. Hell, they even let me have drinks for free. I use this as a time to taste all drinks I have always wanted to try. Yep, I get a bit toasted. I was looking for something to wear last night to a Christmas program when I discovered that I have lost some weight. I fit into alot of my things that have been hanging there for years. I was more than a little happy. Joe told me today that he and the rest of the volunteer fireman are riding in the parade. I already knew this but thought he would change his mind. Nope. Riding on a firetruck in a parade is not something you just walk away from. I know I should be happy that my husband who works his ass off all year long is fulfilling a boyhood dream. Firetrucks and sirens! I want him to have fun I really do. I also want to go to the party and eat and drink and have a shot at winning Christmas money. They get no bonus. They do give away a few thousand dollars. We won 100.00 in 2005. We have a huge family and could really use the money. I think maybe we could do both. Joe could leave the parade after his truck is done . He got no Christmas as a child. He works 24-7. He needs to have fun. Our anniv is the 28th. We will do something fun together then.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I Am A Big Punk
There are times when my husband drives me over the edge. I just want to get out of the car while it's going 55 in traffic. Then there are times like this. I feel like a 3 yr old crying for mommy. He is 8 hours away on the road in east Texas. He was given the chance to earn money for Christmas and he took it. I thought they had forced him to take this job but no. Yesterday he was on the road all day. He took a truck up to Santa Fe and loaded up another one and brought it back down. I have called him every hour on the hour. In between he calls me. In 20 yrs we have spent very few nights apart. He's way too tall for our bed and sleeps caddy corner and that means I sleep on the edge. He snores. I have sustained more than a couple elbow jabs to the nose. Our bed is around 135 yrs old. It belonged to his family in the 1800's. Even though it is only a small double bed we will never change beds. I always picture how many women held on for dear life to the iron headboard as they gave birth. Guess I got off the subject. Oh yes, Joe. I can't sleep without the snoring and all the rest. I love him to pieces and just thinking of all the miles and miles of road between us makes me so sad.
I appreciate how hard he works to take care of us. He never rests. I am such a great example of why everyone should get an education. I have been a waitress, a maid, worked at Holloman AFB taking care of baby chimpanzees(they act like and are treated like human babies) cleaning lady and secret postal worker at our local P.O. When younger I excercised horses and also worked at a stable. Oh and not to forget, I worked at a nursery dis-budding flowers. That was so fun. Extreem heat and humidity and rattle snakes. Now if I had any sense as a teen I would have been in college. I would like to work and let my husband finish college. I am rambling. Alot.All I wanted to say is I miss my Joe.
I appreciate how hard he works to take care of us. He never rests. I am such a great example of why everyone should get an education. I have been a waitress, a maid, worked at Holloman AFB taking care of baby chimpanzees(they act like and are treated like human babies) cleaning lady and secret postal worker at our local P.O. When younger I excercised horses and also worked at a stable. Oh and not to forget, I worked at a nursery dis-budding flowers. That was so fun. Extreem heat and humidity and rattle snakes. Now if I had any sense as a teen I would have been in college. I would like to work and let my husband finish college. I am rambling. Alot.All I wanted to say is I miss my Joe.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Why Do Today What You Can Put Off
I keep meaning to post but things get in the way. I have so much to blog about that I will never get it up here. Everything I do is a potential post. Every picture I take is taken just to use on my blog. I am constantly writing my new post in my head as I drive. I am finding out that posts get old fast like pudding. It goes from great to soupy in a short period of time. What was funny is now not worth a mention. I totally enjoyed reading my favorite bloggers everyday during the month of November. To all of you who participated in NaBloPoMo( I liked Mollys version best, NaBloPaintMo) I thank you for keeping me entertained all those nights. It is amazing how attached a person can become to people they will never meet. There are only a few of you who visit me here and so each of you are pretty special to me.
Here are a few pictures of Cady through the years that Joe just scanned for me. I want to do a post on each of my 5 kids. 2 are Cady and Sara and 1 is Cady and Billy and then theres Cady in Georgia at Heathers wedding and 1 on the beach at Tybee Island.