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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What Was I Thinking? Was I Thinking?

Friday is my one and only day to myself. After all the years of not even getting to use the bathroom alone I feel I have earned it. Mommies, you know. The kids freak out if you actually go in there and close the door. Friday after I fed and did a bit of cleaning for the old Auntie I had dreamed of me in the library or me at Hastings drinking a latte and browsing though the books. Everything involved myself alone with lots of books.Maybe coming home and roasting some of those chilis I am letting sit too long. But as fate would have it I ran into my son Joey(dad to Gage) and Gage begged to come with grandma deb. I was so close to the library I could smell the print on the pages. And then I told the little guy yes. It would have been easy to say "no Grandma is busy" or some such truth. It felt selfish and indulgent. Besides, those blue eyes looking into mine and waiting to hear me say yes left me no choice. Saturday would be my day. Joe didn't have to work and Cady was at her sisters house. We could sleep in. Phone rings at 8 and my son Billy reminded me that this morning was his son Jaylons soccer game that I wanted to attend. I don't see my grandson Jaylon as often as I do the other guys so Joe and I thought we would try to make an effort to get closer. Plus, those little guys play their hearts out and you gotta be there and support them. Even Grandpa Billy(ex) came with video camera in hand and I love that he finally got into computers and digital cameras so I am not the only one taking pictures all the time. Jaylon played hard and his team won. We went to breakfast with Billy and Robin(my daughter in law) and the kids. A friend of Robins was getting married last evening and Robin had asked me to make the card box for the gift cards.It came out nice. Then Robin asked me yesterday at breakfast if I would come over to the hall and help decorate the head table. I got a crash course in decorating from some old pros who helped me decorate the church for Joey and Jessies wedding last Feb.We spent 2 days and worked till we dropped on that. gee being asked made me feel special so naturally I said yes. It's just one table. Robin bought the last 2 spools of red tule,(yes, I think I spelled it wrong)in town. When we got to the hall it looked lovely. We had been at a wedding the week before and it was near 100 degrees in that hall and it was so pitiful looking. They had put all their effort into the food and seemed to have forgotten about much else. Well, it was also a bit strange that the bride had chosen Dallas Cowboys colors and used it as her theme.But it was her day. I was happy to see that they had done a nice job making it look festive and clean. Worked for 2 hours decorating and then came home. Told Robin I would keep the baby so she could have fun. Baby woke up naturally and got scared and couldn't be calmed. Since the wedding was to start at 5 and it was 5:20 I thought they would be about finished. Called my son who was there and catering this thing for them for free.Wedding had not started and he grabbed Robin from her seat and she ran to my house(4 minutes away) to grab baby and run. Billy calls and says hurry, they are on hold till she returns. Shit!Baby screaming. I throw on a pretty top with my sandals and capris and jump into the drivers seat and she is in back calming baby. My son is on the phone with Robin as we drive giving her a play by play of whats going on and telling us to hurry.We run in back door and they start. As I ran out the door I grabbed my camera to take pics of my son and his friend in their chef coats as this is their first side job catering.Seems the bride and groom had not thought about pictures and people are taking their wedding photos with cell phones.Oh, there was 1 disposable camera. Well, I ended up taking what pics I could. Oh, did I mention I don't know the bride and groom. Bride works with Cady at vets office and is friend of Robin as Robin also worked for vet until the whole Linda Blair thing. Food was great I was proud. Billys friend got call from wife, kid emergency . People were finished eating and it was clean up time. I told him to go and Joe ran me over an old shirt and I helped my son clean and wash dishes. My son does not approve of drinking so I sneaked some boones farm into a glass of punch and washed and worked and it wasn't too bad. Woke up at 5 am today with back ache from so much time on cement floors. All in all it wasn't the week-end I planned for myself but it was different and I did love helping Billy. He is very busy and I don't get to see him as much as I would like. Going to church now. Hope nothing crazy happens today. I sure wish there was an extra day on the week-end. Tomorrow it starts all over and gee whizz, oh, i forgot to mention that it was a cowboy wedding. Jaylon was ring boy.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Where Does The Time Go?

I have no time to post but I do not want to see 'The Asscrack of Dawn" as my last post anymore.I am doing dishes and laundry and keeping up with Gage who is busy watching Dora right now. I have been helping my ex husband care for his old auntie and it has become a bigger job than I thought it would be. She needs to be in an home as she is deep in dementia. I wash her clothes and do her dishes and cook her bacon and eggs and juice. She has no clue what my name is and calls me "that girl". She smokes constantly and I am gagging while I work. She breaks my heart. I have pictures and other news but they have to wait till I get my kitchen clean and make an applesauce cake. It's fall. Yippy! The best time of year. I want to bake apple everything in the fall. Soon it will be time for Lynne and Cady and I to go up the mt. to pick apples. Have a great day my dear friends.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Family That Gets Up At The Asscrack Of Dawn

This has been a fun week-end but I shall surely pay for it tomorrow morning when I attempt to get up early again and babysit. Friday night I was home alone and called my Lynne and asked her to come on out. Out she came. We drank wine and talked till after 10:00 when Joe got home from the drag races. He joined in with us for a while and then he disappeared.(punked out and went to bed) Lynne and I had some green chili so we roasted it in the oven(outside is mo betta) drank alot more. We used to get together once a month but no so much anymore. Thank God we were inside. We get pretty loud and crazy. I stopped for a pee break(this time neither of us laughed till we wet our pants as in past times) as I walked by the clock I saw the time was 5AM. We ran our mouths and laughed till 5AM. Shit! It was fun but ya know how it feels to function on no Z's. Got up at 4:30AM today and went to White Sands to see the balloon fiesta. We have been home for 25 minutes and we are leaving now for Joes company picnic which is for some damn reason being held on Holloman AFB this year. Hope I can get on base as I have been driving for 4 yrs on an expired license. Just lazy thats why. Next week-end is Oktoberfest on base. They will allow bus loads of people to enter the base with no ID checks. Makes no sense to me. German beer will kick your ass. Don't know if we are going this year. Gotta run.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Seths Birthday

This was 2 weeks ago,I am a bad grandma. I have to be an equal poster of grandkids. Seth turned 6 this day. Another mob scene. More fun.

Geez, I Am Lazy

Gage turned 3 on Saturday. We all drove up to Ruidoso for a party at the other grandparents house.I love it up there.Pony rides right next door and an amusement park across the street. On the other side was a beautiful creek and swingsets for the kids. The whole day was for the kids and they went wild. It rained for about 15 min. Made it more fun. With my kids and grandkids,spouses and ex husband there are about 21 of us. A real mob scene. It was fun!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Sad Memory

What can be said about the 6 year anniversary? All those families and friends who still and will forever grieve, our prayers go out to you.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm Only Happy When it Rains

Woke up to a dark and dreary rainy morning and we all loved it. Okay, not all. The 3 dogs, Manny Moe and Jack, didn't think it was funny when they burst out the door ready to find their favorite pee spot and found the ground already very soaked. After the Duke dog pooping thing last year at this very time, no dogs are walking on my new rug with wet or muddy paws. This is a job for my husband cuz he's the big Daddy Dog. He had to inspect each paw before I allowed them back in. Until we aquired the 3 legged dummy dog(goes by name of Charley Marely, Bubba, Laska, Puppa as we could never agree on a name and each had a nick name we decided we were keeping) it was no biggy when it rained. Unfortunately Bubba must have sustained a slight head injury when he was hit and lost his leg. he just doesn't seem to learn the house rules. Don't stand on your very long and strong hind legs and eat off the table, pick food off the stove such as entire loaves of bread ect. Do not eat one of all of Cadys shoes, eat the front out of Cadys new school shirts, and his favorite, eating Cadys underwear after he digs them out of the laundry. So when the weather is bad or we are gone he has to spend his time in dog storage. Sitting in his kennel. I hate making him go there but the dog is safer there. I have spared his life only because you have no idea how hard it is to look at this pitiful thing on 3 legs and spank him. He falls over. The rain has let up and Duke ,Bubba and Jack(actual name and wasn't I clever naming a Jack Russell, Jack?)are all out mudding up so they can come back inside.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Moving Right Along

Because today is a holiday I have today off.I would be watching Gage by now if it were not. I do enjoy just lazing around. I laid in bed all morning and finished the last Frank McCourt book, "Teacherman". There is something about his writing. I was cleaning out a corner of my bedroom/storage dump, when I found where I had hidden Angela's Ashes from myself almost a year ago. I would read it and then if I didn't start another book fast, I would pick it up and go at it again. I was a third of the way through it when Lynne finished Teacherman and brought it to me. Now I am going to finish up Angela's Ashes. AGAIN.
Had a great time up in Cloudcroft yesterday. Bo brought with him an Elvis impersonator who was pretty good. It's amazing how close we live to the mts and how the weather is totally different. It's turning fall up there. The sun went behind a cloud and that was it, we we freezing. My Dad moved us up there in 1967. I hated it.We were from Calif and they didn't like people from Calif. All those damn hippies and shit. It's a bit better now. This is the last tourist week-end for them. The place is full of Texans all summer. They love the place. I never understood why until I met my husband and went off to meet his family in Texas. Joes family is from near Lubbock. A small town called Plainview. It's all farmland. All flat as far as the eye can see. Those Texans love the mountains. The mt towns love those Texans. They bring in lots of money. By next week-end it will be quiet and peaceful up there again. If they get some good snow this winter the Texans will be back for skiing. Better get up and start cooking. Heather and family will be coming out today. Have a great day.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

What A long Strange Trip It's Been

I cannot seem to sit down and write anything anymore. Okay, right now I am trying. I am unhappy with my ability to put my thoughts into words in such a way as to interest anyone but myself. But that is an old subject so lets press on shall we? What have I been doing? I went through a week of deep dark depression about money and work which prompted my husband to ask for a pretty decent raise. Much to our shock and awe he got it. We won't be going on vacation or buying furniture but we can live now. And maybe we can save up for a vacation. With the summer reading program over Gage and I have not been out much.I feel guilty. It's just so damn hot that it is torture to leave the house and venture out into a No Air Conditioned Zone. But that is changing. It's getting nicer out now. Didn't get over 88 for 2 days. Tomorrow our pastor is back so we will be going to church. I had to give it up till he returned. The fill in pastor is a wonderful and nice man who worked ever so hard on his study of James. He turned one of my favorite books into the most boring 90 minutes and I was falling asleep. I was not alone but I felt bad. I know he saw me. He's just not a public speaker. Whatever. After church we are going to Cloudcroft. Our friend Bo Rivers is here from Texas to play at the street festival as he does each year.I love going to the mts. The smell of the pines is wonderful. What have I been doing for 2 days. Well, I want to tell you how I spend my time. You know this is the 10 year anniv of the death of Princess Diana. I have not turned off the WE channel. Everything ever put on tape about Diana has played(twice or more now) and even though I have already seen most of it, yes, I am watching it. I am sucked in. I want to turn it off but I am helpless to do so.It's playing in the background right now. I have read most of the books about her. All that our library had. 10 years ago I was in the living room taping a Monkee Marathon on Nickelodeon. Joe and friends were out by the creek roasting 40 lbs of chili. My daughter Heather lived next door and came running in carrying little Christian and crying "Mom, change the channel, Princess Diana is dead". When Heather was in kindergarten she watched the Royal Wedding. Since then she was in love with the Princess. All reports for school that could be done about her were done. She checked out all the books at the school library. I was pregnant with Joey the same time she was pregnant with William.(we led parrallel lives) Here I am trying to find some way to make it not weird that I am so interested in her story. I do not think that is going to be possible. I will move on.
Something else I must comment on that is of little import. Britney Spears. Her new tunes are not that bad but I don't understand the big deal. She sounds like the kids when they suck the helium from balloons at parties. And please oh God, do not show us your behind anymore. Just don't.