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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You And I, We Are So Blessed

I am sure you heard about this tiny angel named Maddie. It's 2:30 AM so I shall be brief. Her story and that of her amazing mom and dad is everyplace. If you have not read it well you need to. There is so much to say but my words just cannot do the job. Please go to "I Should be Folding Laundry" and Beth will show you the way. See, I have no idea how to link. There is also Both parents are out of work in Calif. This is a very expensive place to live. Wonderful people all over the world have raised huge amounts of $ for the March of Dimes in Maddies memory. They also have an account set up to help Maddies parents pay for the funeral and probably just to live right now. We are always broke or close to it. Joe gets paid on Friday and we will be sending 20.00 to the family fund. If I can only help with one thing then I feel like that is where I want to send our little bit. Cady is sending 10.00 from her unborn baby girl Isabella. I hope that all of you will read the story of this sweet family and then follow your heart. I may not have alot in the way of money but I am so blessed with healthy children and babies. On April 17 1971 I gave birth to a little boy. He seemed perfect. When he was 10 days old he seemed not right to me. I took him to the dr who sent me to the hospital. By midnight that night he was gone. Just like that. A heart valve problem that is now very treatable. Because of Beth( I Should be Folding Laundry) I am just now really healing from that awful night so long ago. What Maddies parents are going through is much worse than my own experience. I know I have wandered a bit here. Forgive me please. I know times are tough for us all. But even so I hope you feel what Joe and I do and dig into your piggy bank and also to remember this family in your prayers. I do not know how people live through things like this. Maddie was their only child. Thank you all for the kind words and support you have given me. Thank you Molly for the giant box of baby clothes for Isabella. It was like Christmas. Thank you Biddie for sending Gage special toys and clothes and books that you somehow manage to afford when you and I are both rolling pennies for toilet paper. Thank you Frema for your kind offer to send jammies and onesies for the baby. Thank you all for being my online family.Thank you for the prayers. Just reading about all the love and kindness being sent to Maddies family, it gives me such a warm feeling in my heart. Blogland is a kind and loving place. People jump right up and lend a hand or foot if needed to people they have never shared the same zip code with. The world is filled with much more kindness and love than we ever hear about on the nightly news. Thank you my dear friends. You have made my life a better life.


Blogger Biddie said...

See, now, I am almost in tears.
You are such a good friend to me, Debi. You feel like family, even though we are far away and we have met here in blogland.
I know that this is a difficult time for you, with the date so close to when you lost your son. I can only imagine the pain..I don't know how you can survive it.
My son was stillborn and I never got to see him, or hold him. I think that my arms will always ache for that boy, yet it would have been so much worse to mourn a child that I DID hold.
I will go to Maddie's page.
Hugs xx

7:26 PM  
Blogger debi said...

Thank you my dear. I will be just fine. I really had issues that I ran from for years. I can tell you that I think it is much harder to lose a toddler than a new baby. You just haven't had time to make memories with them.I don't know. Everyone hurts in a different way. The aching empty arms? I know just what you mean. My kids lost a dear friend at the accident on Easter eve. It's been nothing but broken hearts around here. I will have a house full of kids and babies on Friday. My entire family will be at the funeral.

9:14 PM  

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