Oy, Such A Week I'm Having

With the flooding over for the moment we will have to wait to see if the fix job Joe did actually helped. Poor old house, I know it can't help it. I got little sleep last week end but more then Joe. Monday I was ready to start the clean up around here. Phone rang ( I'm not a phone person) and it was my son Billy. Calling from work and asked if I could help out Robin (his wife) for the day. She was pretty sick and running a high temp and was just having hell. They seldom ask for help and I thought I could just put off work till Tuesday. Monday was also the last day to turn in Gages library books and vouchers for the latest books we had read. That means I had a 1 yr old a 3 yr old and a 7 yr old going to the library. It was Cadys day off and I made her come along. Gage won 4 free kid lunches at Applebees so after library we all went. Jessie(Gage and Jody's mom ) met us there with 4 month old baby Jody. Wow, that was nerve wracking I gotta say. Nehemiah (1) was alot to handle. I forgot what it's like to wrangle so many kids in a restaurant. Noise was kept to a minimum and I kept up with our cracker mess. By the time we left I could have used a rum and coke. No, I don't drink and drive but it was just a thought. It was a fun long afternoon and Robin felt better by the end of it. I have 8 grandkids but am pretty much the only grandma on duty except when Robin and Jessies moms are in town, so I feel it is my job to be a really good one. Soon as I get the MRI done on my back I know I will be a better gram. Even though we do lots together it could be more I think. Yesterday was my day to clean. Phone rang bright and early again and it was Joey this time. By the way, he has been doing much better these days. Being the husband and dad he should be. Anyway, he sounded odd and he never calls me in the morning unless something is wrong. Soon as I asked what was wrong he began to cry. That's never good. I won't go into details but he found a mass that made it very painful to sit. Had bleeding a month ago and was now very afraid. I told him to go to his dads and I would be right there. Went to the ER. They suck is all I can say. I stayed with Joey till the rude woman DR came in . I ended up seeing a few old friends who are nurses and resp therapists. Helped one old lady back to her room as she was lost. Finally went back with Joey. He has no insurance so he was given the el cheapo exam. He will have state insurance in 30 days. We will get a ref from Heathers friends the Drs and go from there. They told him he may need surgery. It scares me a bit. I am going to Jens blog "The Comfy Place" to read up. Now maybe today I can clean and do laundry but I won't get upset if I get called away. When you're a mom it is forever. I was so glad that Joey called his dad and I. He kept saying he was sorry. My Moma passed away when I was 6 months pregnant with Joey. What I wouldn't give to have my Mom to turn to in times of trouble. If mom is in your corner who can be against you?
I also have a bay shower to get ready for my friend JJ who is here from Calif. She is having a baby girl and is due Oct 1. She has 2 sweet little boys and this will be her last baby. She has been over seas for both her other pregnancies and never had a shower. Her mom asked me to give her a hand and so I called my girls and we are going to make lots of goodies and bring out every pink thing we can find. I am supposed to be making shower treats now and I better go. The phone could ring any second and I will have to duck into the nearest phone booth and cram myself into my SUPER MOM/GRANDMA cape and costume and fly out the door. Or limp out ,whatever.
I also have a bay shower to get ready for my friend JJ who is here from Calif. She is having a baby girl and is due Oct 1. She has 2 sweet little boys and this will be her last baby. She has been over seas for both her other pregnancies and never had a shower. Her mom asked me to give her a hand and so I called my girls and we are going to make lots of goodies and bring out every pink thing we can find. I am supposed to be making shower treats now and I better go. The phone could ring any second and I will have to duck into the nearest phone booth and cram myself into my SUPER MOM/GRANDMA cape and costume and fly out the door. Or limp out ,whatever.
First, OMG that sign... LOVE IT!! Those retro gals with snarky sayings, I would plaster my whole blog with them. But you know, trying to keep a nice image, ya know??
Second, Gosh, I'm so sorry that your Joey is going thru that. Wishing him well and hoping it's not anything too serious.
Hang in there Deb, you're a good person but can only do so much. Hug, M
Well supermom/grandma I know the kids are glad to have you there for them. Will say a prayer for Joey. What are you hogging all that rain for? LOL send some my way (we finally got the roof fixed) as I need a couple days off from outside chores.
Peggy, due to my superpowers I am sending rain your way as we speak. Enjoy!
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