Say A Prayer And Cross Your Fingers
Even though Joe asked for and got a raise last month it just isn't enough. To make matters worse since the raise they are driving him crazy at work. He loves to work and is a very honest kind of a man. About 3 months ago a friend from church who is retired military, told Joe to come out to the AFB and apply for a job with the company he works for. Joe has been going to college at night to get a degree and take the I.T. job at work. He had to take a break from school this sem due to the fact that the classes he needs are only being offered during work hrs. It's been nice because he can get in overtime and it makes a huge difference in paycheck day. Even so, he is the only one of his 6 siblings to get to college and it means alot to him to finish and I know he will. Back to my story. After hours with our friend typing up Joes resume and calling each week to check the status of jobs, nothing came of it all. First choice always goes to retired military. We pretty much blew it off and that's when Joe asked for the raise. Since then lots of people have been disappearing from work. A man who had been there for 40 yrs got his walking papers last week. They are pinching pennies they say. Oh, I have never told you what "work" is. Joe works for a Chevy dealership. He took the job in a time of great hardship in our family. He was going to school due to his other job had moved to China. What a blessing. His job title is "guy who fixes everything". Gets side jobs fixing everything at the big bosses big homes on the week-ends. My husband was made for better things than this although I believe this job has been a great stepping stone it's not a career. Over the week-end Joe ran into friend Todd again who this time just gave him the big boss on base phone number and told him to call first thing today.He did. Nice and friendly type of guy and told Joe he has 2 openings. Has been too busy to do any interviews. He took Joes cell # and will be calling him with a time to show up for an interview.He just took off last Friday to accompany me to my Dr appt cuz I was afraid I was dieing. Clearly I am not. I was worried they would not let him off and what excuse would he use. He assured me that for that kind of money he will certainly think of something. Think good thoughts for us please. We are not poor but we can see it from here. Way too close for us.
You are on my prayer list already. I pray for you every night :)
I hope that things work out. I know what you mean. Not exactly poor, but we can see it too.
Oh, and I am SOOOO glad that you are not dying!
Oh, I hope good things are coming for you and Joe. I'm sending positive vibrations your way. Can you feel them?
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