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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Day In The Life ( i sorta have a life)

Today was pretty much a good day for me. Up at 7 am. I actually slept last night. First time in 6 nights that I slept past 4am. Why was I waking up and staying up? I have no f---ing idea. Got a few valium and last night was heaven. Today was even better cuz I was not in a semi coma. First thing this morning I actually did some laundry. Now, it's almost 8pm, if I can just get that load into the dryer it will be great. There have been times where I had to wash the same load 5 times because I let it get mildewy after each new washing. Pitiful. Another thing that made today good-Gage finally pooped on the potty. He has been great about sitting on his musical potty and doing # 1. He just couldn't grasp the # 2 thing. He would either hold it for several days or poop in his pull-up. And while fighting with him to lay down for a nap he looked up at me and said "grandma, you're pretty". Okay, maybe he was trying to bribe me into forgetting about the nap, but I will take what I can get these days.

As soon as I get off my butt and get batteries for my camera I will take pictures of our new 3 legged dog. He is still in the naming process so I just call him "The Baby". Gage calls him "Broken Dog". Cady just recruited me to help in the giving of his second parvo shot. I don't like shots. Now she thinks he may be sick so I guess we have to take him back to the vet. Oh, Cady got him from the vets office. He was hit by a car and had no home. After his amputation he was put up for adoption but nobody wanted him. I told Cady he could come home for 1 night. What a sucker I am. I could never send him back to life in a metal box. He's very sweet and calm. Only peed twice on my new rug.

This week has been sad for all. I read Mollys (lostasock)post and believe she is right and said it all. I don't want to go there tonight. Except to say that I hate to live in fear.

Well, if I go on any longer I will miss "Greys Anatomy".


Blogger Molly said...

When I was a child, my family had a three-legged dog. He was born that way rather than being injured. He was the only puppy of our shetland sheep dog, Princess. He was a funny dog, and we loved seeing those two dogs play.

4:13 AM  

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