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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


We just got in the door from church.My daughter Sara and her baby Maddie stayed home because Madison had a cold. That is the considerate thing to do. Why is it that people will come up and give you a hug and then proceed to tell you how ill they are today? I always make a comment and try not to be insulting but to let them know that maybe it would be a good idea to have stayed home. I have 5 kids and when they were small and someone would bring us a nice cold or the stomach flu it would make its way to all the kids. I made a sign and hung on my front door "IF YOU ARE SICK,HERES MY PHONE # GO HOME AND GIVE ME A CALL". Nobody got that I was serious.
Today at church a very nice woman that we all know and love showed up sneezing and coughing and looking like hell. My daughter Heather had mentioned to her husband to keep the baby away from Susan(the sick one).After church we all mill around and drink coffee and eat goodies cuz we are all so skinny we need those extra calories. Heather asked her hubby to get a drink for Seth,Jimmy told her "I can't". Jimmy is hard of hearing so he speaks a bit loud.When Heather asked him why not, he yelled across the room "cuz you told me to stay away from Susan". My husband looked at Jimmy and said "oh no you're gonna get it". Heather said not a word,took the baby and went to the van. When I got outside she was crying.
Why can't people keep their illnesses to themselves? Hey, we all gotta leave the house from time to time while sick but nobody has to go to church sick. And how is your Sunday?


Blogger gawilli said...

Our Sunday was ok. Our pastor was not at his best, but not germ spreading pukey sick. Why people do that is a good question. They certainly don't show much consideration for anyone but themselves. I had a boss that did that. She would be deathly ill and still come to work snotty and snorting. She felt it was her duty to come in. I never could get her to understand that she was making the rest of sick and we would all be a lot better if she would just stay home! Sounds like both Heather and Jimmy need a hug...and you too.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Faerylandmom said...

I hear you about sickies. I am in charge of the baby nursery at church, and if I discover that one of the babies is sick, I call the parents back and ask them to take their child to the cry room or nursing moms' room. I hate staying home from church when I'm sick, but I do it anyway.

I have learned that taking echinacea & vitamin C regularly during this season helps prevent getting sick too easily, and if you do get sick, you get over it more quickly. I give kids' doses to my little ones too.

I'm glad you stopped by today. I hope that I can be blessing to you!

10:43 PM  

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