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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Birthdays Just Keep Coming

Today is the first birthday of our 2nd granddaughter, Madison Saige. Last year at this time I was going crazy. I had 2 daughters with the same due dates. Dec 28th. As it turned out Heather had a c-section on the 13th(and had Natalie) but Sara stayed pregnant for what seemed like an eternity.We drove her over every speed bump in town,took her to eat hot mexican food,trotted her up and down the steps at the Space Hall Museum,took her 4-wheeling,walked up and down the mall until we dropped. The poor little girl just kept getting bigger and bigger. Sara is a tiny girl who weighed about 101 when she got pregnant. Finally on the day they told her they would induce(Jan 3) she went into labor. If her labor had not moved along the way it did and she had time for an epidural,things would have turned out differently. Madison was way too big for Sara and after the head was born she was stuck like a cork in a bottle.The midwife kicked trays across the room and jumped on the bed and began to pull that baby out. That was when I turned away and started to pray.I have had 2 home births and attended lots of others but this is the only time I thought we may loose a baby. They told Sara to jump up on all 4's and push as the midwife pulled.At this point the clock is ticking and there are just a few minutes to get the baby out. That poor baby finally popped out and for a minute they thought she may have a broken clavicle but she was fine. Sara was so busy doing what she was being told she had no idea that her baby was in distress until it was all over. They decided they should have induced her at least 2 weeks earlier. Both Madison and Natalie weighed 8lbs 14oz. In March I have yet another grandchild coming. That makes 7. Wow,woulda thunk it?


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