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I HAVE 5 KID10 GRANDKIDS,2 DOGS,1 and 2 LOUD PARAKEETS. I MISS THE 60'S AND THE 70'S,LOVE TO TAKE PICTURES OF MY FAMILY,,THEY ARE SO BURNED OUT ON ME AND MY CAMERA. ITS SUCH A RELIEF WHEN MY BATTERIES GO DEAD.My dream is to run away and work in a little book store in Ireland and live in a little stone cottage with a few cats and watch the sea.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Scott and Cady

Every year for about 18 years we start out Halloween night at the home of our old friends the Robbs.Always a party always get both families together for pics. Here are 2 pics of Scotty and Cady from 2 yrs ago and tonight.They have been friends forever.


And another one bites the dust. Wasn't that into it this year. I want to start decorating for Christmas. Yes,it's just a little early. I did get some cute pictures tonight. It was alot of fun until we turned onto the dirt road that leads us home. Joe hit a large bump and the coke dropped from Cadys hand. Joe just got a new truck. A Chevy something. Hell, I don't know about vehicles. It's a 3 quarter ton 3 door something. My lord,he had a huge shit fit. I felt like spilling my drink too just to finish him off. I didn't go crazy when Seth spilled an entire root beer in my Jeep a few weeks ago. From now on me and the kids will ride in my root beer stained Granny car. What the hell. He drives too slow anyhow. Okay, I guess I had to get that out. Now I will see if blogger will let me post pictures.This is Cady and Christian and Seth. Cady is Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show again this year.


80 years ago today, October 31,1926 ,Harry Houdini died at 1:26 p.m. from peritonitis.
Magicians around the world recognize this day as National Magicans Day in honor of the great escapologist.
When I was a little girl I was totally enthralled by Houdini. My Grandmother had seen him once and told me great stories.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


LITTLE ORPHANT ANNIE'S come to our house to stay,
An' wash the cups an'saucers up, an' brush the crumbs away,
An' shoo the chickens off the porch, an' dust the hearth an'
An'make the fire, an' bake the bread, an' earn her board and keep;
An'all us other children, when the supper-things is done,
We sit around the kitchen fire an'has the mostest fun,
A-list'nin to the witch tales 'at Annie tells about,
An' the gobble-uns 'at gits you
Ef you
BY James Whitcomb Riley (1849-1916)

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Gene (gawilli), I love that you asked about Gages song. He loves the movie "Babe".
In it the farmer ,Mr Hoggett, is trying to get the little sick pig to drink some water. He is in his cozy little cottage on the couch with Babe and he sings this song:

Gage started asking me to "sing the babe song" over and over. Now he only goes to sleep if I sing it. If he wakes up cranky and he hears his song he just smiles and lays back on his pillow or in my arms. Last Monday he took about 15 minutes to fall asleep. I sang it over and over for the entire time. He sings along with me as he falls asleep and it's the cutest thing. He was 2 yrs old last month and he has memorized this 4 line song. He only needs prompting on the last line. It is not possible to hear his tiny voice sing this song and not get tears in your eyes.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Love these old cards.


No matter how hard I try I cannot get out the door with Gage before nap time.
I had no choice,there was nothing to eat. Not getting myself together and out the door by noon means Gage is gonna be asleep before we arrive at Walmart. Yes,I said the "W" word. Gage was sound asleep and was not waking up. I love trying to drag a limp 2 yr old from a car seat in the middle of my backseat. 10 points for not bumping his head. It was like he was in a drug induced coma. I stuffed him into a cart and held his head in one hand while I pushed the cart with the other. I headed straight to the rug isle, picked out a nice plush throw rug and then headed to the towels. Made him one really nice bed in the basket and off we went. He slept all the way through the store. He only slept for 45 minutes but it must have been enough. He woke up when I loaded him back into the car and sang to me all the way home. Walmart,I hate the place but I just can't stay away.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I have not had the energy to post. I thought my husband was doing his homework but I can hear him playing his violin. I like it.
Cadys birthday party was on Sunday. It was alot of fun for everyone but me.
Having a large group of people in my Hobbit Hole freaks me out. Alot of the kids Cady invited said they were not coming.
I let her invite a few others and then they all showed up. I think there was about 14 teens I had never seen until they knocked on my door. In the past all my teenager
experiences involved stress,illegal substances and law enforcement. (my grown kids and friends. These kids turned out to be good kids. Including family and the friends
of mine, that are considered family, we must have had close to 30 people.
I shoveled so much food out the back door and onto the tables we had taken such care to decorate. Kids don't care,they just eat. Bo got the girls to sing
backup on several songs. Give a gang of girls a live mike and the shy disappears real fast. While the girls were singing the boys were stealing all the helium filled balloons and hiding in the trees and talking like chipmunks. It was alot of fun and I don't ever want to do it again.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I can't believe my baby is 16. Enjoy your babies girls.
We see them everyday but somehow we don't notice our babies
slowly disappear and one day they are no more. I remember
several years ago trying to carry Cady to her bed from mine.
She was all arms and legs and I knew that was the last time
I would be able to lift her. I still remember how silly I felt
holding her and crying. How can they ever know how much we love them?

Friday, October 13, 2006


Here we are about 4 yrs ago. I am wearing the very same red flannel shirt right now.
As you can guess,I am not very into keeping up with fashion. Note the two
packs of cigarettes in Joes pockets. We no longer smoke,we no longer are this
size either. Joe has cut his hair and shaved. A few months ago I cut my hair and shaved too. Seemed like the thing to do. Now it's getting winter and I want my hair back. It's growing pretty fast but it will be next winter before it's long enough to keep me warm again. Interesting shit huh? It's late and everyone is in bed,I may as well blab a while.
Next Tuesday Cady will be 16. We are going to take her to Cruces to a fun mexican restaurant and shopping at the big mall. A week from Sunday we are having a party for her at Heathers house in town. We have a huge yard and are out in the sticks so we can be as loud as we want but the only way we can have a bunch of people over here is to rent a "port a potty". Our septic tank will not allow a bunch of people
flushing our toilet. Heather told me that it would be bad to remember your 16th birthday as the year of "the out house". I can see her point. Cady agreed.
Our friend BO RIVERS is in town playing at a few events. We went to the Wine Tasting Festival last Saturday to drink wine and hear BO play. When I told him it was going to be Cadys birthday he said he would play at her party. He plays alot of Willie Nelson and if you close your eyes you can't tell the difference. He does alot of his own songs and he's really good. I do live an exciting life don't I? Poopie diapers, apple pies and apple butter and wine festivals. Can you tell I had no plan for my life? I have a load of towels in the washer that I washed 3 times in the last 4 days. When I wash them again in the morning that will make 5. I did the same thing a week ago. I never get towels done when Gage is here. Can't see putting them in the dryer when the sun is out. Can't hang them on the line and chase Gage away from the creek. When I finally do get them washed and folded those suckers are clean. Okay,I think I have bored myself to sleep. How bout you? Good Nite John-Boy.


I am on a quest.
I want to put all the
Halloween pics together.
No,I don't know why.
I really want to find the
year Joe was Beetlejuice.
This is Lynn and I last yr.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

HALLOWEEN 3 yrs ago

Been digging through old stuff.
Found a few halloween pictures and
for no particular reason,I am going
post them as I come across them.
Well,that is if Blogger is in the
picture mood.I dread even trying.
This is my daughter Heather,me,Joe
in the black cowboy hat,and Jimmy,
Heathers husband.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


What is going to happen to us?
I used to adhere to a strict code.
I will watch no news.
I am going to have to go back to that.
I think our prez is full of shit.
I know they are all liars but,
(5 I's in a row.)
poster by: Stephen Kroninger


I didn't know Joe had put this old picture on my computer.
This horse was the love of my life.
His name was Comanche.We lived in Placer County, California.
I used to make him hot bran mash on cold mornings and even brush his teeth.
I am certain that this was the most beloved horse on the planet.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Gawilli, Thanks for a great post.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

blogger, you suck

It has been several days since I was allowed to post a picture.
After reading a few other blogs I guess I am not alone.
So whats up with fall this year? I thought we would catch
a break with the air conditioner. Not happening so far.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


We just got in the door from church.My daughter Sara and her baby Maddie stayed home because Madison had a cold. That is the considerate thing to do. Why is it that people will come up and give you a hug and then proceed to tell you how ill they are today? I always make a comment and try not to be insulting but to let them know that maybe it would be a good idea to have stayed home. I have 5 kids and when they were small and someone would bring us a nice cold or the stomach flu it would make its way to all the kids. I made a sign and hung on my front door "IF YOU ARE SICK,HERES MY PHONE # GO HOME AND GIVE ME A CALL". Nobody got that I was serious.
Today at church a very nice woman that we all know and love showed up sneezing and coughing and looking like hell. My daughter Heather had mentioned to her husband to keep the baby away from Susan(the sick one).After church we all mill around and drink coffee and eat goodies cuz we are all so skinny we need those extra calories. Heather asked her hubby to get a drink for Seth,Jimmy told her "I can't". Jimmy is hard of hearing so he speaks a bit loud.When Heather asked him why not, he yelled across the room "cuz you told me to stay away from Susan". My husband looked at Jimmy and said "oh no you're gonna get it". Heather said not a word,took the baby and went to the van. When I got outside she was crying.
Why can't people keep their illnesses to themselves? Hey, we all gotta leave the house from time to time while sick but nobody has to go to church sick. And how is your Sunday?